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Abiathar Enterprises Board of Directors offers Training Certificates for Faith-Based Practitioners in Risk Management after completing the required curriculum and course material. Certificates are available to anyone of any faith, denomination, and location worldwide.


Mr. Junius Bradley, Jr., CFE, PCI, CIS, is the Founder/CEO, and a retired veteran that has more than thirty-five Years of actual risk management training for small private corporations. Fortune 500 companies, critical infrastructure institutions (nuclear power and gas, financial, and insurance), Military installations, educational institutions, the construction, aviation/international airports, tourist/travel industry, Professional sports, religious institution, and workshop leadership worldwide. Served as Commander for Elite Executive Protection Services Detachment (PSD), Special Agent protecting the Deputy NATO Commander and Foreign Dignitaries.

Mr. Derwin J. Bradley, is the Lead Practitioner & Vice President of Operations that has an extensive work experience of being a Master Police Officer, (RET) CRIME PREVENTION PRACTIONER, along with 30+ Years of Law Enforcement experience. He's a Certified Crime Prevention Practitioner (25+ Years) - International Crime Free Multi-Housing Program Instructor, and Crime Free Multi-Housing Coordinator for the Orlando Police Department (2009-2015).


Mr. Bradley has designed and implemented the Crime Tracking Databases for the Orlando CFMH Program (400+ Apartment Communities). Conducted CPTED/Security Survey for Universal Studios Orlando and Islands of Adventure, Nemours Hospital, and numerous businesses, residences, and Multi-Family Housing Communities.

Mr. Derwin J. Bradley - Lead Practitioner & Vice President of Operations.png



  • Basic CPTED - Advanced CPTED - CPTED Lighting for Hospitals - CPTED Lighting Course - CPTED for Apartments

  • National and State Presenter- Crime Prevention Topics - Presenter, State of Florida Leading Age Conference (2012) - Presenter, Orange County Public Schools Head Start Conference

  • Presenter, National Compliance Professionals Conference (2012) - Presenter, International Crime Free Multi-Housing Conference (2011) - National Apartment Association Conference (2018)


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